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18 injured after Bangladeshi plane skids off runway at Myanmar's airport

发布时间:2019-05-09  来源:Xinhua  字体大小[ ]

Photo taken on May 8, 2019 shows the broken passenger plane of the Biman Bangladesh airlines at the Yangon International Airport in Yangon, Myanmar. Some 18 people including five crew members were injured after a passenger plane of the Biman Bangladesh airlines skidded off the runway at Myanmar's Yangon International Airport (YIA) on Wednesday, said the Department of Civil Aviation Myanmar. (Xinhua/Department of Civil Aviation Myanmar)

YANGON, May 8 (Xinhua) -- Some 18 people including five crew members were injured after a passenger plane of the Biman Bangladesh airlines skidded off the runway at Myanmar's Yangon International Airport (YIA) on Wednesday, said the Department of Civil Aviation Myanmar.

The Biman Flight No. BG-60 from Dhaka to Yangon carrying 28 passengers and six crew members skidded off the runway at around 6:50 p.m. local time (1220 GMT).

"At least 16 people including a pilot with head injury have been sent to the North Okkalapa General Hospital for treatment so far," Zwe Yan Naing, chairman of Shweyaung Thamaing, Emergency Rescue and Social Support Organization, told Xinhua earlier.

The Bombardier Dash 8 aircraft veered off the runway during the landing attempt due to heavy rains and poor visibility, said a statement from the Yangon Aerodrome Company Limited, the operator of the YIA.

The runway reopened two hours after the accident and an investigation was underway.

中国公共网摘编GAN JADE

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